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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Book Review: Hollywood Ever After

Hollywood Ever After (Red Carpet, #1)
Hollywood Ever After (Red Carpet #1)
Published on  July 14th 2012 
By InkSpell Publishing
e-book, 306 pages


Goodreads synopsis:
Happy Endings are for fairy tales. Or the movies. Not for real life. At least, not in Claire’s life. Even though she’s starting over, she knows better than to want too much this time. But when she falls, literally, into the strong arms of Hollywood’s ‘it’ boy Josh Wiley, Claire’s in for some surprises. Her plans for rest and relaxation are forgotten as one incredible night with Josh becomes two… And her heart begins to want him as much as her body. Will two kids, one bastard ex-husband, and Josh’s juggernaut career mean the end of their affair? Or can Claire find her happy ending after all?

Claire's brother sends her to California to get away and spend some time with her best friend Shannon. Shannon is a assistant director so on the first night there they go to a movie premiere. Claire ends up tripping and falling into the gorgeous star, Josh Wiley. Josh is described "He was tall and broad but lean versus thickly muscled. His dirty-blond hair was tousled, falling every which way. He had a strong profile, with a square jaw and classic chiseled features. His eyes were hazel, golden and mesmerizing,..." Yea I would say he is pretty yummy. Oh and did I mention he has a British accent.

Claire had a horrific marriage so she wants nothing to do with this hunk or love but he appears everywhere she turns and makes her feel things she hasn't felt in years. After the movie they go to the after party where Claire continues to try and dodge Josh which only ends in a steamy night. Josh isn't interested in just a one night stand and refuses to allow Claire to push him away.

Claire is a closet writer and only sends her manuscripts to Shannon. The last one she sent was her story of her abusive marriage. Shannon sends the manuscript that was more like Claire's diary to a publisher which enrages Claire. She gets an unbelievable offer but she doesn't want to portrayed as a victim to the world. This leads to Josh and Claire confiding in each other to make life changing decisions.

After spending an incredible few days with Josh, Claire has to go back to Texas to her kids. They are completely heart broken but leave with the promise to see each other again in London for spring break. Before leaving, Daniel (Claire's ex husband) reappears with hope and promises of a future together but Claire continues to reject him. Josh falls in love with the kids as does his family and clockwise. Claire's life is finally falling into a place where she is happy and accepting Josh as a part of it. While having the time of their lives, Daniel shows back up to give Claire a scare which turns in to her worst nightmare come true.

I really loved this book. Josh is amazing and you find yourself swooning over his every word. Claire's determination is inspiring and her mother's protectiveness is comforting. Besides Josh, I loved Will (Claire's youngest son). He is so funny and adorable. The only thing I didn't were the sex scenes. I'm just not a fan of having a play by play on how they get down and dirty but I know that is to be expected. I recommend this book to all women. Claire is someone that we can all learn from and the love story is to die for.

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